Monday, April 3, 2017

Week 3: S is for Satan. Or solenoid. Wait they're the same

I think this is pretty self-explanatory...

Exploding robot. Woo. Moving on.

You are probably expecting this to connect to the rest of the post in some profound way. And sure it does. Not. Or maybe. Just wait for the rest of what I'm about to say.

Though the nature of my project is "strictly confidential," I am allowed to disclose that it involves magnets. Special types of magnets, called electromagnets (Exhibit C). Now the materials for making one of these highly specialized (and dangerous) devices include an overwhelmingly large expanse of insulated wire (oh, maybe several hundred feet), a cylindrical object, and nerves of freaking steel.

And believe me, this device is highly dangerous. It is known to the state of California (just like any other consumer item) to be an immense choking hazard due to the wire and to evoke suicidal tendencies in persons who attempt to construct them. 

How to construct such a diabolical device? Simple. Wrap the wire around the cylinder into the shape of a solenoid. A mind-numbing number of times. To gain perspective, unroll a megaroll of 1-ply toilet paper, or an entire spool of thread, and then attempt to re-wrap.

Your hands begin to shake. Your eyes begin to shut. Your head begins to explode.

In the world of laboratory work, solenoid-wrapping is classified as "work that needs to be done, but nobody wants to do." Luckily, a race of laboratory workers called "interns" exists. Oh wait, that's me.

So here I am, permanently traumatized by my solenoid-wrapping experience.

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